Cllr Broadfield

Cllr Kiran Khan - Cllr Broadfield
Contact Cllr Kiran Khan

Kiran was elected to CBC on 7th May 2021 and re-elected on 2nd May 2024.

I have lived in Broadfield in all my life, and I went to Seymour Primary School. The reason why I am running for local council is because I am hugely concerned about the future of Crawley and local council funding. I will be a strong voice against austerity and will fight for local services.

Broadfield is my home, I have lived here for my entire life and it has been the greatest privilege to have represented our neighbourhood on the council for the last three years. I have always put the community’s interests first and will continue to do so if re-elected.

I have been active in our residents’ association, Talk Broadfield, for many years as it is important to listen to residents’ voices.

I will always be available, accessible and happy to assist with issues affecting the area. I hope I can count on your vote to ensure Broadfield continues to have a councillor who truly cares.

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